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donate to moscdc

MOSCDC is recognized as a non-prot organization and tax exempt under section 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code, but we are not an organization as described in section 170(c), therefore donors may not deduct contributions made to MOSCDC. We use Affinipay to process donations made by credit or debit card.  We also accept donations made by check and mailed to:

Marine Officers' Spouses' Club of Washington, D.C.
Attn: Treasurer
P. O. Box 1754
Fort Myer, VA 22111-1754

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
e.g. xxx-xxx-xxxx
e.g. VA (please use the two letter all capitalization abbreviation for the state)
*Amount ($USD)
 Payment frequency

Marine Officers' Spouses' Club of Washington, D.C. (MOSCDC)
P.O. Box 1754
Fort Myer, VA 22211

MOSCDC is a 501(c)(7) organization not officially sponsored by or connected to the USMC.


USAA Proudly Supports
Marine Officers' Spouses'
Club of Washington, D.C.

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